Menstrual cups


If during the patriarchy female intimate health was the object of business with filthy pads and tampons, “The Universal Gynecocratic Republic” bets on the menstrual cup, bets on caring for the environment, bets on savings and the economy of all its sisters .

Surely the vast majority of you, dear sisters, know what our genital anatomy is like. Unlike male genitalia, which are freely available to us for fun and entertainment, our genitalia are hidden under our belly. This is how the goddess Venus ordered it to guarantee the protection and well-being of all of us.

The female external genitalia comprise the vulva, which symbolizes our power as women, since it is worshiped and deified by the male citizens of our republic and also by men, real men. And the vulva is really sacred because it symbolizes the connection with our pleasure and relaxation centers and, therefore, with the divine goddess Venus.

But beyond the vulva, if we could enter inside our own vagina, designed by Venus to be elastic and flexible, and to which the goddess gave an adequate protection (the hymen), we would find the cervix the uterus the Fallopian tubes and the Ovaries. Each of these organs develops its specific function to enable pregnancy and, therefore, human reproduction.

The menstruation

Each lunar cycle regulates our menstruation, in which the blood flow generated in our uterus is channeled through the cervix and flows out through our vagina. Although some of us do not have an exact period, most women menstruate every 28 days, that is, our body menstruates 13 times a year. The menstrual cup is designed to be adapted to our vagina, so that it fits at the entrance of our cervix to comfortably collect the blood from our uterus.

Once you draw the blood into the cup, you can do whatever you want with it, most of our sisters throw it away without further ado, but some of us offer it to our goddess Venus, in ritual form, to thank her for granting us the privilege of being born as women. Other sisters use it in the ancient ritual known as “Sowing the Moon” and there are even girls who offer it to their men (or males) to drink as a reward for their good behavior or for their due obedience. If, during the patriarchy, our menstrual blood was collected (or stolen) by tampons and plastic menstrual pads manufactured by companies run, mostly, by men, thanks to the menstrual cup you and only you will be the owner of your blood and your menstruation and you will freely decide what to do with it.

Using the menstrual cup

The use of the cup is very simple: when you notice that your period is coming, and your breasts and body begin to have the symptoms of the proximity of your menstruation, you must insert it into your vagina until the mouth of the cup fits at the entrance to the cervix. The manufacturing material of the cup is hypoallergenic silicone certified by ISO 10993, very flexible to facilitate its introduction and accommodation within our vagina.

First of all, you must choose the cup that best suits your needs and your genital physiology. In the market there are countless models of menstrual cups, analyze the disadvantages and advantages well before deciding on one. It is also convenient to know if your cervix is high, medium or low.

At least once a day, depending on your amount of flow, you should remove and empty the cup, in addition to washing it, to reinsert it into your vagina again, always respecting the most elementary hygienic measures, such as washing your hands before and after doing it. You should repeat this operation until the end of menstruation, when you are completely sure that your flow has stopped permanently. Then you can store the menstrual cup in a safe place until your next menstrual cycle.

Dear sister, if you have made the decision to purchase a menstrual cup we must congratulate you and from “The Universal Gynecocratic Republic” we want to offer you two ways to achieve it.

Buy it with discount

If you are completely determined, you can buy any of the following seven models of Sileu brand menstrual cups: Sport, Soft, Tulip, Rose, Divine, Classic and Bell. You can enjoy an interesting discount, specifically with a 25% discount on the original price. That is, instead of paying € 19.99, for you it will cost you only € 14.99. You simply have to choose one of the menstrual cups by accessing the link associated with the following image by clicking on it:

Use our economic fund

Our male citizens have the moral obligation to contribute to the fund for the purchase of menstrual cups by the sisters, in this way they will compensate for the years and decades that men, through their companies, have stolen our menstrual flow at the same time as they contaminated our mother Earth. Somehow men attacked our female body and Mother Nature, offending (in this way) our sacred Goddess Venus. Dear sister: if your financial resources are minimal and you always have to control expenses because your income is scarce, do not worry, do not hesitate to write to us to the following e-mail address “” and we will inform you about the conditions , the requirements and the steps to follow in order to get your menstrual cup at home for free*.

*The possibility of acquiring the menstrual cup through the financial support fund will depend on the availability of resources in it. You can only get a single cup for each citizen.


If we want that our sisters, without sufficient resources, have access to a menstrual cup, we need the economic fund to have sufficient resources. As a male citizen of “The Universal Gynecocratic Republic” your moral duty is to contribute to the fund so that it always has enough economic funds to make real the right of every sister to enjoy a menstrual cup. It is important that the desire to acquire a menstrual cup becomes a reality for all our sisters. Make a donation now, an income in our fund to fulfill your duty.

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Once you have made the donation, write to our e-mail address “” informing us about your identification code and the amount you have donated to the fund. Of course you can also contribute to the fund even if you are not a citizen from The Universal Gynecocratic Republic yet.

We do not accept that you, men of our republic, buy a menstrual cup for one of us in particular. We want our sisters to be able to choose the cup they want and to be able to access the economic fund to pay for it and thus receive it at home without having to think that a man “bought it” or “gave it to them as a present”. Power is female and, therefore, we have the right of free access (always complying with the purchase regulations) to the purchase fund for the menstrual cup.

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