Once upon a time… from Ireland, Scotland and the United Kingdom all the way to Southeast Asia through the Middle East; from Siberia to Argentine Patagonia, just about everywhere our archaeologist sisters are finding female figurines proudly showing their vulvas, surely in honor of the sacred Goddess Venus. This fact tells us that, since the Neolithic era (more than 30,000 years ago), women dominated and subdued men and organized communities according to their feminine ways, requirements and criteria. Gynecocracy, as a form of social organization, has its roots in the earliest Neolithic period.
Female figures showing the vulva opened with their hands (spliting of the lips) to display it fully with pride and joy, they were placed on entrance doors to sacred centers to remind women of their connection with the goddess Venus. Certainly, in addition to highlighting female pride, these figurines fulfilled the function to do not allow the entry of males (men and boys) to those sacred centers where women periodically performed their sacred initiation rituals and communion with the goddess Venus: “If you don’t have a vulva, don’t you can pass through this door”. We must highlight the facial expression of these female figures, all of them they appear smiling and their gestures denote pride, satisfaction and happiness. This way we can deduce that, with all certainty, the vast majority of Neolithic communities were matriarchal societies and in them women were proud of their feminine essence, so much so that they even showed their vulva to each other as a way of greeting: “Good morning, sister!”. Perhaps they showed the vulva to men, too, in a way of highlighting the female power and influence over the male gender: “I am a woman and therefore you must obey and adore me because I have the vulva and, therefore, the power”. What seems clear is that at that time, the vulva, far from being an erotic icon as in modern Western society, was considered a symbol of absolute power and divinity.
Another interesting figure found by our sisters is that of a naked woman, with her hair gathered to her left, caressing her belly above the navel with her left hand, and holding a horn, with her right hand. The horn has 13 parallel marks upon it. Our sisters, experts in Neolithic, think that, far from being a religious icon, this figurine was used by women to teach adolescent girls about menstrual periods and their connection with the lunar cycle, since the shape of the horn reminds us of the growing moon’s state. Ultimately, thanks to this figure we can conclude that in the Neolithic period, women already understood the importance of educating, instructing and teaching pre-adolescent girls about the divine and sacred character of their female body. We can know the priestesses (for only they had the hair gathered) were those women in charge to perform this instruction. In this way, they transmitted to the new generations the connection between her womb and the star that the mother goddess Venus created to communicate with Lilith. In this way, the matriarchy was transmitted from generation to generation and century after century.
Precisely the importance of the transmission of the matriarchy from generation to generation and for centuries and centuries is the message shown by a female figure, found around the present day India. The figure is that of a woman, with her hair gathered to the left (therefore surely a priestess), in a semi-squatting position, with her eyes closed and her head slightly tilted to her left, beginning to give birth to another woman while holding a sacred tree branch with her right hand. The woman is adorned with a lot of jewels: earrings, pendants, medals, bracelets, hand bracelets and diadem, all made of noble metals and decorated with precious stones, which tells us that women are the possessors of material wealth. The fact that with her right hand she holds a tree branch shows us that the woman is also the owner of the natural world and therefore possesses all of the power: material power and natural power, wealth and knowledge, the real influence and divine blessing from the sacred goddess Venus. Moreover, when another female being, another woman is being born from her vulva, it leads us to think that all of that power will be transmitted from mothers to daughters, from grandmothers to granddaughters, from sister to sister, and ultimately from woman to woman so that the matriarchy lasts in time eternally.
Another figure that caught the attention of our archeological sisters was that of a naked woman, with her hair untied, sitting on the back of a boar calf, with her right hand the figure spreads her legs to show her vulva clearly, while with her left hand she shows us a carved stone plate on which signs have been engraved. Our sisters, experts in archeology, believe that it is the representation of the absolute power of women over men, of the genuine expression of matriarchy: as she is wearing her hair free, it would be a woman without special influence in the community (because only priestesses gathered their hair) sitting on the back of a man, represented in the animal form of a wild boar to whom she shows engraved symbols. As it is a boar calf, the representation is simple to interpret: “From the moment they are born, men are considered as animals and must be submitted and subdued to the laws of matriarchy and they have to obey the women always. Females will tame them as they grow to obtain benefit, and advantage, from them. These animals will be used (or abused) in accordance with the sacred feminine will of all women in the community regardless of their social position, power or influence. “

Ultimately, we can conclude that matriarchy worked for millennia and that generation after generation, women subdued men, females led communities, controlled sacred and religious rituals in honor of the Goddess Venus. This way they were able to preserve a gynecocratic culture that practically never disappeared until almost today.

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