Modern Age


Once upon a time … and the Modern Age arrived, from 494 B.V. (before Venera) to 177 B.V. (before Venera), and with it, a stage of discoveries, commercial exchanges, travels, adventures, great territorial conquests (such as the invasion of America) and, in addition, the loss of female power. Women lost power in favor of men, but some rebellious women resisted male power, bearing the witness of matriarchy to our days. They were “the witches“, the supposed bad women who were opposed to submitting to the new patriarchy. Many of them were burned at the stakes in the famous “witch hunt“, especially between the VI and IV centuries B.V. (before Venera). Others formed secret sisterhoods of women to defend the matriarchal legacy.


Origin of the current patriarchy

Already by the end of the Middle Ages, the male revolts became more and more general to the point of leading some matriarchies to give up part of the power and tolerate some communities of a patriarchal character. In the first third of the 6th century B.V. (before Venera), the first patriarchal community was founded in France. It was a mistake that the matriarchy paid dearly for and that we are still suffering today, because these male communities immediately began (as soon as the middle of the 6th century B.V. (before Venera)) a policy of terror against women in general, and against rebellious women in particular that frightened many sisters, overriding female influence in some places. It was at that time that the famous “witch hunt” began, ongoing torture processes against women who did not bow to the patriarchy that always ended in the same way: with female rebels burned alive in public bonfires or drowned in rivers or lakes to which they were thrown tied to a huge and heavy stone. These atrocities were always done in front of other women as a form of lesson and warning. With the passage of time, one of these patriarchal communities located in the Iberian Peninsula achieved some development and organized a naval reconnaissance expedition to the Atlantic Ocean that managed to reach America in 474 B.V. (before Venera). The expedition discovered a new land, a new world in which they found indigenous communities with a matriarchal structure but with an extremely peaceful, naive and friendly character. At the begining, the invading patriarchal community kept this discovery as a deep secret and soon sent arms,weapons and soldiers to seize the riches of that land by way of war, doing the only thing that men know how to do to achieve their purposes: using violence, fear and intimidation. They soon realized that the “New World” had an enormous extension and, with the intention of joining forces to plunder wealth, they shared the information of the discovery with the other patriarchal communities with the utmost discretion, to prevent the matriarchies from discovering the news. In a few decades, all the patriarchal communities dedicated themselves exclusively to looting the immense riches of that “New World”: gold, silver, noble metals, new vegetables and others were transported by sea to enrich the power and influence of these patriarchal communities. The tremendous plundering of the new world caused an economic development without equal in the whole set of patriarchies, definitively shifting the balance towards male power, which decisively favored the emergence of a hegemonic patriarchy that reduced women to the condition of slaves until today. In this way, man achieved the surrender of a millenary matriarchy that had been in force since the Neolithic.

Fortunately, thanks to the soviet sisters and their effort and tenacity, in the middle of the last century, the resurgence of matriarchy began. On March 1, 1966, the power of our goddess Venus awakened and The Universal Gynecocratic Republic, our beloved matriarchal country, was born.

Female resistance: “the witches”

But not all the women resigned themselves to their fate. Many decided to rebel and, in order not to be burned under the accusation of witchcraft, they went to live in the forest, forming free female communities that, in front of the fire and the light of the full moon, performed rituals of female empowerment to combat the patriarchy that had so unjustly usurped power. They were known by women as “sisters of the mountain” although the patriarchal system considered them evil females and described them as “witches”. These women soon learned to use the power of plants and vegetables for their own benefit. These “sisters of the mountain” had the support of the “clans of Venus”, groups of women who operated in cities and towns in a semi-clandestine way, as they led an apparently ordinary life despite the fact that they worked in connection and collusion with the “sisters of the mountain “to kidnap men in the city with the idea of delivering them to the” witches “in order that they re-educate them for sale in a clandestine and secret way. When the “clans of Venus” kidnapped a man they always acted in the same way: they chose the victim and followed him until they cornered him in some lonely and narrow alley. Then the oldest woman, or matriarch (as a symbolic custom) handed over a coin to the unfortunate man as the other, younger women surrounded him. The man was forced to accept the coin as a way to “sell”, to give in exchange, his body, his masculine soul and his belongings to the clan of Venus. Once the unfortunate man took the coin, the young women around him began to strip him of all his personal belongings and clothes until he was completely naked. Then they would take him to some stable, or barn, to hide him in the straw until nightfall, when the Venus clan would transport him to the mountain to deliver him to the “witches” who would be in charge of re-educating him for a whole month. We do not know what the reeducation process consisted of, but we are convinced that the “sisters of the mountain” used potions and concoctions, obtained from plants, to completely nullify the male will of the unhappy man. The women who, from the windows, watched the clans of Venus act, laughed with amusement and satisfaction and, far from helping the unhappy man, encouraged the women of the clan and supported them to continue acting. Female solidarity was a constant in front of patriarchal hegemony. During the entire month in which the unhappy man was reeducated in the mountains by the “witches” the women of the clan carried out a tradition consisting of dressing a rag doll with the clothes that the unfortunate man was wearing at the time of the kidnapping, and throw it up and down with a blanket in a cheerful and happy way to celebrate that a man without character or will would be coming back from the mountain, a wimp, ready to be used and abused by all the women. Once the male was completely reeducated by the mountain sisters, the Venus clan would collect him from the mountains to bring him to the city with the idea of assigning him to the service of some influential lady. The important women, within the clans, met, sometimes in secret, other times in public but very discreetly, whispering, agreeing to buy and sell or barter between wimps. In this way you could see ladies constantly served and adored by young servants who lived for the well-being of their mistress, at the will of their goddess. These young men, these wimps, publicly interpreted the role of men within the hegemonic patriarchal society of the time, but they always did so following the decisions and wishes of their ladies. In fact, in private, they were nothing more than simple dolls to the faithful service of their respective ladies: washing and mending the lady’s clothes, loading her luggage, carrying the parasol to protect the fine skin of his mistress on sunny days, giving her air with a fan on hot days, getting on all fours so that the lady could climb up to the horse’s back to mount it… That is why in the paintings of the time it was very common to see this type of personages: young men who adored and served their ladies without rest.

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In addition to “the witches” and the “clans of Venus” there were also women with influence in public life: queens, marquesas, merchant women … These ladies, secretly, became protectors of the rebels, both of whom lived in the mountains and those who lived in cities and towns. Many of these ladies financed female rebellious actions aware of the glorious past of matriarchal societies, especially at the time of the Roman Empire. Nostalgia for the glory of the past has plunged some women into despondency and resignation in front of a more and more strong patriarchy. Luckily, rebellious women have known how to preserve the memory of past times passing the witness from generation to generation, from mothers to daughters and from grandmothers to granddaughters until nowadays.

The Universal Gynecocratic Republic wants to pay a sincere tribute to “the witches”, the brave women who throughout the Modern Age knew how to preserve the memory of matriarchy and with it the survival of matriarchal philosophy and of our beloved republic. In times of extreme danger, these sacred women preserved the feeling of female sisterhood even at the risk of suffering horrible torture or terrifying deaths. With their feminine joviality, their free breasts and their feminine wisdom, they knew how to become mistresses of the forests, mothers of the mountains. Without a doubt, our powerful republic owes its existence to these forest goddesses and, from here, we recognize their eternal sacrifice.

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