Obviously, if only women can exercise economic and political power, only adolescent girls and boys will have the right to basic education and education. The girls will attend class from very small, at the age of three or four years, to start a process of instruction and continuing education based on social values such as female solidarity or the promotion of gynecological culture.

Once the intermediate education stage has been completed, young women who wish to do so will have access to university studies to develop and improve the learning received. In this way future presidents, economists, engineers, architects, scientists, historians, teachers, entrepreneurs, artists and others will have the self-confidence and security necessary to face adult life and take control of the gynecological society of the future more near. As the Sacred History says, the wisdom was given to Lilith by the goddess Venus as an exclusively feminine good that will pass from generation to generation from grandmothers to mothers, from mothers to daughters and from daughters to granddaughters.

A complete public system of scholarships and financial aid ensures that no girl or woman is left out of the education system due to lack of financial resources. In this way, equal opportunities are guaranteed among all citizens of the Republic.
If you want to fight with us you can become a citizen from The Universal Gynecocratic Republic, for further information just go here.

Our girls live safe, free and happy, they can walk anywhere and at any time of the day without any problem and in a total safe way. Anyway our matriarchs leaders insist on including self-defense as a compulsory subject in all girls, from when they are children girls until they enter the University. It is a custom that our great-great-grandmothers started many years ago, in patriarchal times, and that we have a moral obligation to learn in honor of them and to perpetuate the absolute female power.
In this way, our girls grow up valuing themselves and feeling powerful and invincible, despite the fact that machismo and male stupidity no longer represent a problem for them for centuries.
My daughter and the Star of Venus

I am the proud mother of a five-year-old girl and I bought her an eight-pointed star hair tie. In this way the star of Venus is decorating her divine hair at all times. When she plays, when she dances, when she jumps, when she runs, when she laughs, at all times the sign of our sacred goddess is illuminating her, protecting her and helping her develop into the strong and powerful girl she is becoming.
The gynecocratic ideals are an essential part of her upbringing, like any other girl in our matriarchal society. Because the complete education of future women begins at home, with her mother, with her grandmother, with her aunts. All the women who surround the girl teach her essential values in her feminine development, such as courage, dignity, sincerity and so on. Every mother is proud to know that her daughter is educated in matriarchal values and that our divine goddess Venus protects and cares for her at all times. Do not delegate your daughter’s education to the school, dear sister. The girl must learn at home the most essential values of her development.
On the other hand the boys are educated to do the housework and obey the girls and the women in all their desires and whims. Boys and young men will be denied access to schools and colleges during school hours, although outside they will have access to carry out cleaning and maintenance tasks. In addition, access to schools during school hours of both men and adolescent boys will be allowed to the Anatomy or Medicine classes so that their physical bodies can be used with the idea of satisfying the curiosity, learning and research of the students.

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