With the aim of promoting gyneccratic values and spreading our matriarchal philosophy throughout the world, the superior council of sisters of “The Universal Gyneccratic Republic” has approved the holding of the “Slave of the Year” contest.
The contest is open to all citizens of our beloved republic. The contender interested to participate in this contest must pay a participation fee of €15 by PayPal to our email “neworderfemdom@gmail.com”.
Once it has paid the participation fee, the contender must write us a document that specifies three questions clearly:
a) What has it done this year 58 A.V. to spread and develop the gyneccratic ideals and the matriarchy around it?
b) How has it served and submitted to the ladies living around it (sister, mother, grandmother, wife, daughter, girlfriend, neighbor lady, coworker lady, and so on) during this year 58 A.V.?
c) How does it plan to improve its attitude in the new year, 59 A.V. which begins shortly, on the 1st of Matria?
Contenders have time until the first day of the matria month at 11:59 p.m. to participate.
The superior council of sisters will meet to decide, among all the participants, who is chosen as “Slave of the year 58 B.V.”. The sisters will deliberate, as long as they deem necessary, until they choose the winner.

The winner citizen will be contacted, via e-mail, and a postal address will be required because it will receive the star of Venus that accredits it as “Slave of the year” and also it will receive its identification document with the star of Venus printed on it.
Any doubt or question, please write to us: “neworderfemdom@gmail.com“.

Attention The Superior Council of Sisters has elected our citizen L71512H as “Slave of the year 58A.V.” . It will soon receive the long-awaited gold star at his home.
L71512H answered the three questions this way:
a) What has it done this year 58 A.V. to spread and develop the gyneccratic ideals and the matriarchy around it?
a) it is an inferior citizen since end if 57 AV. it is – well, proud may surely be the wrong term, but kind of it, that it made a suggestion to remove the old disgusting patriarchic calender system into a New Matriarchic one, with New Beautiful names. The Most Honorable Council of the Sisterhood, Descendants from the Goddess of Venus, was very gracious to discuss about the suggestion, improved it, established it.
it has learned with pride to wear chastity cage as an animale-citizens duty, to cover the disgusting useless small peace of meat between its legs.
If it is in chatrooms beyond the UGR Forum , it tries to convince other submissive animales to join the U.G.R.
If possible it tries to react to the posts of other inferior animales on the forum to support their views . Unfortunately, there are is a less number of Supreme Goddesses to interact with.
it tries to avoid any images of unnatural images of Interieurs between Divine Females and inferior animales. Only Lesbian Love is real Love. But if possible, it will deny itself the view to the Most Devine Female parts an Pixel it, because an inferior animale should not view Sacred Femininity without permission.
b) How has it served and submitted to the ladies living around it (sister, mother, grandmother, wife, daughter, girlfriend, neighbor lady, coworker lady, and so on) during this year 58 A.V.?
b) Unfortunately, Most Women in the surrounding milieu of L71512H are not (yet) convinced into a Female Supremacy lifestyle. But if possible, it tries to support them by let them make final decisions, make way and place for them, support their ideas. it tried to make the house work, so She could relax. it tries to avoid any sexist speech and action. it did not run for promotions if there was also a Women in competition, because She could do it better an deserved it more.
c) How does it plan to improve its attitude in the new year, 59 A.V. which begins shortly, on the 1st of Matria?
c) it will try to participate in all activities of the Sacred U.G.R. As there is no Gynarchic activity around, it will keep on trying to support Women, Feminism and Lesbianism as much as possible. it is not possible for L71512H to name direct resolutions, but it will try to prove every day, that Females are Superior to animales and the Sacred ideas of the U.G.R must become reality as soon as possible.

Yes, our citizen L71512H has received its prize, the long-awaited eight-pointed golden star that accredits it as “citizen of the year 58 A.V.”. Its commitment to our matriarchal republic has been most valued by the sisters of the council. So L71512H has been chosen from among many other citizens. Long live to all our sisters and our gynecocracy homeland. The best wishes for you, citizen L71512H!
Would you like to become slave of the year for the next year 59 A.V.?
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