Once upon a time, during the Middle Ages, was a time of countesses, duchesses, feudal ladies, influential females and wars over territory. Because yes, indeed, it was women who retained the power and influence inherited from their ancestors. Both in the Lower Middle Age and in the High Middle Ages, women controlled and dominated men and the territory. Only towards the end of the period, a few decades after the beginning of the Modern Age, did women have to face notable male uprisings.

The Middle Ages comprise the period between the end of the Roman Empire in the 13th century B.V. (before Venera), and the beginning of the Modern Age, in the middle of the 6th century B.V. (before Venera), and is divided into two sub-periods: the High Middle Ages (between the 13th and 10th centuries B.V. (before Venera)) and the Late Middle Ages (between the 10th and 6th centuries B.V. (before Venera)).
The Roman Empire Had plenty of success, the Roman empresses achieved such an ideal matriarchal system that all around the empire powerful women copied the model in a perfect way, generating unprecedented progress throughout the continent. Economic well-being and human advances caused population growth so significant that it was soon impossible to control the entire empire from Rome, and so multiple matriarchal power centers began to appear across the continent. These centers of power were governed by influential and powerful women (countesses, duchesses, feudal ladies and influential females), who met periodically to coordinate common development strategies for the benefit of matriarchal communities.
Influential women returned to their community with a book in which the female scribes had written the common agreements, decided upon at the annual feudal ladies’ summits. Once in their own territories, they taught the book to an assembly of influential and powerful women within the community, to analyze how to implement, within each matriarchy, the agreements reached at the annual summit according to the characteristics and idiosyncrasies of each one. Amongst the influential women who analyzed the agreements made and how to implement them in the community were the priestesses, better known as “wise women” or later as “witches”. They were ladies with extensive knowledge of nature, plants, animals and human behavior, especially female behaviours. The system worked excellently and women continued to be free, happy and powerful as evidenced by the numerous icons found on the doors and on the columns capitals of numerous churches, convents, palaces or castles of the time. In these naked women appear, smiling and giving themselves the hand to each other with an evident sign of complicity, when not caressing the vulva or, discreetly, amongst each other.
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Unfortunately the stupidity, arrogance and greed of some men put some matriarchal communities in trouble. Some males thought that matriarchy was unfair, and that being at the command of women was a perverse form of government. They decided to challenge nature itself by creating small secret communities of men who conspired to overthrow female power and to establish a patriarchy. Thanks to the natural feminine superiority, women always detected these small conspiratorial masculine communities and deactivated them in the same way: they analyzed the behavior of the rebellious males and kidnapped the most charismatic of all, who was subjected to a severe treatment of reeducation and punishment for eight days. After that time, all the women of the community came in droves to a secret meeting of the rebel men to introduce them to the unfortunate man who, by then was on his knees and crying, implored his companions to forget the plan and surrender to the women. In this way, all attempts of male rebellion were aborted one after another.

During the Middle Ages, in daily life, women made decisions and met with each other to rule and control the present and the future of communities, while men had to do hard and unrewarding jobs such as fetching firewood, feeding animals, maintaining the cleanliness of the pigs, stables and other suchs tasks. Feudal ladies met in castles to make vital decisions: crops, food production, distribution of goods or wealths, and the tax system. The complicity, companionship and camaraderie between women was omnipresent both throughout the continent and throughout the entire Middle Ages.

According to studies by our sister historians, lesbian love was a constant throughout the Middle Ages. Women learned to seduce and sweeten each other’s ears through music, which was considered a gift from the sacred Goddess Venus to women, and which favored artistic development among females. We know that it was very common to form groups of happy and smiling girls who were dedicated to playing all kinds of musical instruments in the streets while carrying a copy of the Sacred History, with its Star of Venus (eight points) represented on the cover, as we appreciate in the photo. It was a way to strengthen female power and complete freedom for women since men were forbidden to make music.

Every time a matriarchy was threatened by the stupidity of some arrogant men, women went out with their instruments on clear nights to play music to the Moon to invoke the Goddess Venus, with the idea of thanking her for having been born women and to ask her for help in quelling the conspiracy of misogynistic men. Male challenges to the matriarchal status quo were solved with the kidnapping of the leader of the group to undergo a punishment process that lasted eight days in honor of the Star of Venus. During all that time the rebel was savagely abused, without mercy, by dozens of women. After this harsh lesson he was taken in front of all the other men to frighten them. Other times the women would kick the wretch’s testicles with all their force until they were swollen and sore, and then the women sent the stupid male off with the other men. These men, finding their partner hoarse from screaming in pain and with their balls completely swollen (to the point of barely being able to walk), ran to kneel at the women’s feet to ask for mercy.

Unfortunately at the end of The Late Middle Ages, around the 14th century, there were male armies from outside the continent that fought to invade the matriarchal territory. Women organized to fight against these savage vandals and created defense armies. There were numerous men who ran in front of the feudal lady to offer themselves in the fight against the enemies of the matriarchy, many made superficial wounds, kneeling at the feet of the lady, symbolically to signify that they would fight to the death to defend the matriarchy and the goddess Venus. Then they had to massage and finally kiss the lady’s feet while invoking the sacred goddess, which is the origin of our sacred ritual of female feet. The feudal lady plucked a piece of the warrior’s hair to give it to the wise sisters with the intention of performing a spell that would protect it during the battles against misogynistic savages. If the man came back alive the lady decorated him with the title of “matriarchal knight”. Here we see how a soldier is decorated by a noble lady. The banner that appears on the man’s back, the waning moon, shows us that he fought in one of the matriarchal armies in defense of the sacred Goddess Venus and female power.
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