Ancient Egypt


Once upon a time in Ancient Egypt: it was the beginning of modern civilizations, an empire able of creating the most impressive architectural works that humanity has known since the begining of times, and of course, a matriarchy. To this day our archaeological sisters have discovered that male pharaohs did not exist but instead were female pharaohs, and that Egyptian women had absolute power over men throughout the empire, both in Upper and Lower Egypt.


Ancient Egypt was ruled by women who reigned the empire and established successive matriarchies. We must mention the female pharaohs: Neferusobek, Nitocris, Hatshepsut, Tausert, Neithotep, Khentkaus, Nefertiti, Merneith, Cleopatra, Tiyi… a very long list of women who led armies and conquered other patriarchal civilizations and organized deeply matriarchal societies in which women ruled social life by subduing men in a constant, permanent and sustained way over time and throughout the empire, with very few exceptions. From time to time at very specific moments of the empire, some men, influenced by foreign infiltrators from patriarchal societies, rebelled against female power to subdue women and to subvert the matriarchal order. These revolts, the most famous of which was the one during the Pharaoh Hatshepsut (18th dynasty) kingdom, were extinguished in a very short time thanks to the ability and natural intelligence of women.

The successive matriarchal societies of Ancient Egypt were based on the worship of the goddess Hathor, the Egyptian reference to our sacred goddess Venus, who appears represented in the form of a woman (with a human or lioness, female lion, head) with a solar disk and a snake (in clear reference to our Sacred History) on her hair, a long stick in one hand and the Ankh symbol in the other. This symbol, Ankh ☥ (antecedent of our symbol of Venus ♀), represents the adoration of women to their female pharaoh and, at the same time, to the sacred goddess. In Ancient Egypt, a lot of women women wore the Ankh symbol as a pendant, bracelet or ring and everywhere we could find representations of women kissing and worshiping Ankh as a form of communion with the goddess Hathor.

As an order from the successive female pharaohs, Egyptian women enslaved men, forcing them to work tirelessly in the construction of temples made in order to worship the goddess Hathor, who symbolizes feminine power and the moral and natural superiority of women over men. The “teachers” stand out, women architects who closely directed the construction of palaces, temples, and also pyramids. These “teachers” used makeup to paint a thick green line on the lower lids of their eyes, thus symbolizing the vision of Hathor, the sacred goddess, who, through the eyes of the “teacher”, saw that the construction of buildings and pyramids were carried out.

Other women of considerable power and influence, who aroused a huge admiration and respect in the matriarchal life of Ancient Egypt, were the “strigas”: ladies with an extensive knowledge of the power of plants and the chemical substances they contained. Every day, these women collected, from the banks of the Nile river, all kinds of herbs and plants to make medicines, potions and makeup. A lot of women came to them, not only in search of medicines that healed the sacred feminine body, but also in search of spiritual advice. The “strigas” became emotional guides and they were represented with a vulture on their head. In Ancient Egypt there was the popular belief that these women were able to see everything, just like the vulture that, having the ability to fly at a magnificent height, could see everything.

Analyzing wall paintings and hieroglyphs, our sisters, students of Egyptian culture, have concluded that in those matriarchal societies, while men are very underrepresented (practically disappeared from paintings) and always shown in the form of slave labor, women always appear smiling and doing all kinds of work: trading, singing, playing a musical instrument, doing sports… A very important thing that caught the attention of our sisters was the large number of murals depicting girls playing freely in nature, especially on the bank of the Nile: girls laughing, jumping, running, flying kites, picking flowers and aromatic fruits. This data gives us an idea of the enormous importance for Egyptian women gave to guarantee a happy and healthy childhood for the new generations of girls, of tomorrow’s women.

Special attention deserves a wall painting in which women clap their hands together with others who are playing wind musical instruments while several adolescent girls dance practically naked, wearing only a thin golden leather belt that barely covers their female genital area. The girls dance happily moving their hips and waving their arms to the sky. Our archeological sisters are convinced that this is a representation of the “puberty festival” celebrated by Egyptian women in honor of girls turning 14 years old and started this stage of life. In Ancient Egypt, the beginning of puberty symbolized a considerable change in the lives of adolescents since legally, at that age, they could begin to acquire certain social responsibilities: trade, handle money, buy and sell slaves… Our sisters have no doubts about the specific symbolism of the “puberty party”: The music played by adult and well dressed women using wind instruments has the function of “elevating” the girls towards the goddess Hathor because, from puberty, adolescent girls can freely worship and invoke the sacred goddess. On the other hand, the women clapping their hands do it to “retain” the girls on earth with a clear message: “As the young women you are, you must freely worship and invoke the goddess Hathor whenever you want but it is very important that you never stop having the feet on the ground and a cool mind”. The thin belt symbolizes the Nile River, origin of the empire’s power, and its position, located at the waist of the pubescent girls just covering their genital feminine area, has a clear and direct meaning: “The empire of Egypt will always be a matriarchy, women will always keep the total power because daughters will inherit it from their mothers and granddaughters from their grandmothers forever and ever with the help of our beloved female pharaoh and the guidance of our holy goddess Hathor. ”

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The enigma of the hieroglyph

ATTENTION: Finally the mysterious hieroglyph found by our archaeological sisters in the temple of the Goddess HathorVenus has been deciphered and interpreted by a group of young students who have dedicated their doctoral thesis to it. The young women have carefully studied the symbols and compared them, one by one, separately and with each other to finally obtain the definitive meaning. It would be the crushing, made by the pharaoh Hatshepsut of the 18th dynasty, of a male rebellion led by an outsider from the north who tried to revolt the slaves against the omnipresent female power.

Pharaoh Hatshepsut observes her matriarchy

Female pharaoh

Hatshepsut, the supreme pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, contemplates her empire, a vast matriarchy that spans the two banks of the Nile river, from the sea to almost its source. In that state, women have all the power and peace, tranquility and economic prosperity and are the dominant trend, like most matriarchies.

Male slaves in the Hatshepsut matriarchy

Male slaves

Economic development was above all due to the use of male labor that women used for their own benefit. Boys and men, all of them slaves, did the hardest tasks: chopping stone, rowing, grinding grain, transporting stones, etc… Women frequently humiliated and mistreated men to remind them of their status as slaves.

Hatshepsut freely enjoying the pleasure

Free pleasure

Hatshepsut enjoyed her body whenever she felt like it. Like every free woman, she enjoyed sexual pleasure and her status as a pharaoh. She always did it in complete solitude, since she found no interest in any of her maids, and much less in her stupid slaves, men without worth or dignity who did not arouse any emotion.

Stranger infiltrated among the slaves

Intruder stranger

One day a very young foreigner, with an accent from a northern language, was able to infiltrate the slave gangs and to indoctrinate them with a revolutionary speech, encouraging them to rebel against female power and to enslave all women, so as to end the egyptian matriarchy which had been oppressing the male gender for centuries.

At first the revolt was successful

Initial success

At first, many men followed the stranger and joined his fight, freeing themselves from their bonds and refusing to obey orders from women. With the motto of At the cry of “Death to the matriarchy”, hundreds of men broke free, breaking all their chains and confronting the female army of the pharaoh Hatshepsut, which ran to control the rebellion.

The revolt was squashed and the rebels captured

Male defeat

Egyptian women invoked the goddess Hathor in order to obtain help to end the male rebellion. The females understood the gravity of the historical moment and all of them, from the adolescent girls to the oldest women, ran to Hatshepsut’s palace to offer help to defeat the revolt. Finally and absolutely all the rebels were captured and properly punished .

The stranger was delivered to Hatshepsut

The stranger tied

The stranger, responsible for the revolt and leader of the rebels, was captured and delivered to Hatshepsut. She led him, conveniently gagged and bound hand and foot, to the temple of the goddess Hathor to offer him as a sacrifice in gratitude for her divine help in the defeat of the damn men who had defied the matriarchy in which the pharaoh reigned.

Hatshepsut prepares the stranger’s sacrifice

Offering to Hathor

Hatshepsut lit the sacred fire of the goddess Hathor and placed the metal chain, linked to the stranger’s penis, over the flame. All male sacrifice, dedicated to the sacred goddess, must be done through pain (since the male was created to suffer). The aim was to cause the man such intense, acute and unbearable pain that he ends up dying in a painful agony.

The stranger’s penis on the sacred stone

Hathor’s stone

The woman pharaoh placed the stranger’s penis, burned by fire, on the sacred stone of sacrifice, to which she tied the man’s legs, to proceed to the final act, she had to offer the soul of that stranger, who had dared to challenge her matriarchy, to the holy goddess. Once the penis was well crushed, Hatshepsut prepared to perform the last part of the sacrifice.

Hatshepsut ajustándose las correas del Minphal

The sacrifice

Once the penis was well crushed and while the stranger began to emit sharp grunts of pain, drowned out by the thick roll of papyrus that it had been inserted inside his mouth as a gag, Hatshepsut, with the help of straps, tied the Minphal (a hard thick and long phallus of Cyperus a very hard-stemmed plant) to her crotch in order to complete the sacrifice.

The stranger vexed and humiliated by Hatshepsut

Mercilessly pegged

Hatshepsut began to rape the tight ass hole of the stranger mercilessly while invoking the holy goddess: “Oh goddess Hathor I offer you this sacrifice, take the soul of this man to increase the greatness of my matriarchy.” The stranger felt as if twelve Nile crocodiles were madly devouring his insides and his penis, an unbearable pain seized his whole body.

The sacrifice goes on for hours

Infinite agony

Seeing that the man did not faint, the pharaoh tightened her belly and tensed the muscles of her legs and abdomen to force the man’s ass more and more, while she was continuing to invoke the goddess. She noticed he was helpless as she had fitted the whole Minphal inside his shaking ass with no success. Finally, after two hours of agony, the stranger collapsed.

The pharaoh spills irritating essence on the penis

The stranger lives

Believing him dead, Hatshepsut released the stranger from all his bonds and opened the stone of the goddess Hathor to remove his inflamed penis, knocking the unfortunate male to the ground. The pharaoh could not believe her surprise when, hitting her body to the ground, the stranger regained consciousness. For some reason the holy goddess had rejected that sacrifice. The pharaoh was upset and angry, she spilled essence of thebaica, an extremely irritating and stinging plant, on the stranger’s penis: “You will live, but your penis will always suffer, as the man you are,” she told him.

The stranger licking the real vulva

She sees the light

Hatshepsut then sat on her throne to think and to reflect on the fact that the goddess had rejected the sacrifice. At that moment the stranger knelt at her feet and began to lick her vulva with a clean and precise technique that the pharaoh had never enjoyed during all her life and that made her enjoy an intense and deep orgasm as she had never felt before. The pharaoh realized then that she had been wrong: this stranger was not destined for sacrifice, as she believed, but rather a gift that the goddess Hathor had sent to reward her for the prosperity of her magnificent matriarchy.

The stranger worshiping her female feet

Adored by him

Hatshepsut kept the stranger as her personal slave and forced him daily to kiss and worship her female feet, in front of leaders and dignitaries from distant countries to show off her immense power and the matriarchal character of her kingdom. Of course Hatshepsut freely enjoyed that male tongue whenever she felt like it, and she enjoyed her body alone only when she wanted it to. The pharaoh had a hieroglyph made to tell this story to the new generations. Finally, when the pharaoh died, the stranger was buried alive with her mummy so that Hatshepsut could continue to enjoy pleasure eternally.

In addition to being represented in the form of a hieroglyph, Hatshep’s story was transmitted from generation to generation and, from that moment, the female pharaohs and other women from the Egyptian aristocracy dedicated themselves to buying captured men in the northern countries to mercilessly whip them with the hope of finding the perfect slave to please them on a daily basis.

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