Once upon a time there was a merchant lady who had several daughters. The most beautiful of all was the youngest daughter, barely 16 years old, a kind, delicate and generous young woman called “Beauty”. The girl was very attractive and had a noble, cute and clean heart.

Since the woman had to attend to all her business, she traveled constantly and spent a lot of time away from home. To be kind to Bella, she asked her if she wanted to bring her anything during her last trip. The girl didn’t know what to wish for because she was happy just seeing her mother safe after each absence. Finally, Bella asked her mother for a simple rose.

So everything was going fine while the daughters of the merchant lady were once again waiting for their mother to arrive. But nothing happened as usual, and the lady, on her return, found herself caught in a violent storm that kept driving her off the way. In a hurry, she ran (with her car) in search of some shelter that could provide relief from the rain and the icy air.
And so, almost without knowing how she had arrived or where she was, the lady suddenly found herself in front of the great door of a strange castle. Tired, and seeing that no one was listening to her or opening the door, she decided to go inside. The door was open, and behind it, everything seemed perfectly arranged: the table was lit and full of food for dinner; the rooms were decorated with fresh firewood and soft mattresses… The merchant lady could not resist all these pleasures, as hungry and tired as she was.

So she had dinner, slept warmly, and even had breakfast while still no one answered her calls or welcomed her into any room. Once she had rested, the lady went out into the garden hoping to finally find the owner of the house and be able to thank her for her hospitality before she left. But the garden was also empty and silent. The lady noticed that the garden was full of roses and remembered the request of her young daughter Bella, almost hypnotized by the strong and wonderful perfume given off by the rose bushes in the garden. She chose the rose that stood out the most and shone the brightest and cut it. At that moment, the peace and quiet of the garden was interrupted by a deformed woman who lunged at the merchant lady, attacking her with threats and insults for not having behaved like a good and grateful guest, stealing the flowers from her garden.

The merchant lady (frightened by the tattooed woman with enormous lips, gigantic breasts and a huge rear) tried to explain herself, telling the woman about her little daughter and her humble promise. However, the lady merchant’s words did not soften the deformed woman who wanted to lock the merchant lady away forever in her castle as punishment.
- I will respect your life if you bring your daughter Beauty to accompany me to the castle instead.

Upon hearing this proposal, the merchant lady looked at the owner of the castle, being horrified to see that she was no longer deformed but had suddenly become an extremely thin woman, a person with anorexia nervosa. The woman was undoubtedly under the influence of some kind of evil spell. Without a second’s hesitation, the merchant lady ran out of the castle with the rose in her hand and returned home nervous and very scared.
Once at home and calmer, the lady was able to tell her daughters everything that had happened with that strange woman, that kind of “Beast”, and Beauty, calming her mother with a kiss, said to her:
–Don’t worry, my beloved mother, I will return to the castle in your place.
And that was how Beauty ended up arriving at the castle, just as her mother had done. There, she was greeted by that strange woman, that Beast, who sometimes turned into a deformed woman and other times into a skeletal girl, but, contrary to what her mother had said, she was kind, delicate and very gallant with Beauty.

Surrounded by a more than peaceful calm, Beauty spent her days in the castle while she embroidered, read stories or chatted animatedly with Beast.
But soon she began to miss her mother and sisters and to worry about them, a sadness showing on her face that the Beast, despite her good manners, could not remedy.
Beast then decided to give Beauty a magic mirror in which she could always see her mother and sisters so that she would not have to worry about them anymore. Suddenly, one night Beauty saw her tired and sick mother reflected in the mirror. Beauty, whose heart was good and loved the others, felt the need to accompany her mother and leave, despite her promise to the Beast.
- I would so much like to see my mother, even if it is for the last time! – exclaimed the sad young woman.
The Beast, thrilled, allowed Beauty to go on condition that she would return within a few days. But days and weeks went by, and Beauty did not return to the Beast, as at ease as she had been with her mother and sisters. But little by little, and with increasing intensity, Beauty remembered that strange Beast who had saved her mother and who had treated her so well.
And so it was that Beauty decided to finally return to the castle to continue fulfilling her promise by keeping company to the Beast, whom she found collapsed and dying upon her arrival at the castle:

-Please don’t die! You’ve been so good to me… I won’t leave you alone again and I will marry you – exclaimed the young Beauty, tearful and worried.
After those words, Beauty began to tenderly kiss the skeletal body of “Beast” slowly directing her lips towards the vulva. Beauty gently removed Beast’s pants and panties and began to perform a pleasurable cunnilingus on her, first kissing that delicate vulva with great tenderness and then sliding her wet tongue over her labia minora and clitoris again and again. The Beast began to emit soft moans of pleasure, more and more intense until reaching orgasm, at which point a magical halo enveloped the Beast, who little by little lost her skeletal appearance to become a beautiful young princess, who had only been the victim of a spell. A terrible spell that could only be broken by the pure love of a noble soul.

The disgusting patriarchy could not tolerate a woman taking power over an entire queendom. The sexist society did not want to tolerate a powerful, beautiful, lesbian woman becoming queen and cast a spell on that princess with sexist magic formulas based on the annulment of her feminine self-esteem. In such a way that the beautiful princess intermittently became an anorexic young woman or a woman tormented by horrible cosmetic surgery operations. The pleasure of cunnilingus freed that princess from the spell thanks to Beauty’s kindness and generosity.

Beauty and Beast were married in that garden filled with beautiful roses of all colors and fragrances. The two beautiful and powerful women promised each other eternal love under an arch of those flowers and kissed in front of a crowd of sisters who celebrated joyfully.
After the wedding, which everyone celebrated happily inside the castle, the young princess flooded the garden with roses in honor of Beauty, whom she surpassed in beauty of face and heart, because she could not think of a better gift for such a good and extraordinary love.

Both women were happy together, often enjoying the pleasure of cunnilingus outdoors, in the rose garden, to keep themselves morally strong and with high female self-esteem. In this way, both women lived sexually satisfied lives and neither of them fell victim to any patriarchal spell again. The fabulous female sexual power served as an antidote to any attempt at patriarchal sabotage or sexist witchcraft.

Furthermore, Beauty and the Beast turned the castle into a point of female liberation, a bastion of female resistance against patriarchy and a battle against sexism. Women and girls who, unfortunately, had been bewitched by disgusting sexism, just as Beast had been, came to the castle to free themselves from the spell through love between women and the noble and pleasurable practice of cunnilingus. Within a matter of days, or even a few hours, all the girls were able to free themselves from the macho spell that tormented them.

Beauty became an excellent teacher in the noble and pleasant art of cunnilingus. Beast’s lover thoroughly taught her students, young girls interested in learning to master the techniques of cunnilingus with the intention of freeing one of her friends from any sexist spell, the different lingual techniques to perform an extremely pleasurable cunnilingus and thus leave their lovers completely satisfied and liberated.
Beauty used to use the metaphor of the rose and the vulva: “The vulva is a beautiful rose with a pleasant fragrance that connects us with our mother Earth” she used to tell her students.

In this way, girls learned to lick the divine vulva of their friends or lovers properly, freeing them from the harmful sexist spells.

There came a time when so many girls learned to perform cunnilingus in a pleasurable way and practiced it with their lovers and friends, that all the women in the queendom were fully liberated. In this way, misfortunes typical of patriarchy such as cosmetic surgery, anorexia nervosa or bulimia were definitely a thing of the past.
Powerful and free women kidnapped chauvinistic macho men to take them to the castle dungeons where they were properly educated in respect for female authority, obedience to the will of the ladies and worship of women.

The tale shows us the importance of solidarity between women and the priority we must give to preserving love between us, lesbian love and cunnilingus as the main tools of female liberation against patriarchy.

The Beast has a garden full of roses, as we know the rose metaphorically symbolizes our vulva. Both Beauty and Beast are lesbians, but while Beauty is a strong, free and happy girl, being able to enjoy her sexuality freely, Beast is unhappy living under the curse of an evil deed. All sisters from “The Universal Gynecocratic Republic” have a moral obligation to free our lesbian sisters from patriarchy and its evil male ways.
The tale ends up being a metaphor about the effect that male sexism has on women and the power of liberating cunnilingus and vulva worship as a restorative treatment.

The ending warns us that the most efficient way to combat patriarchy is through the submission of the macho man in an active fight against male power. If we truly want to end the suffering that patriarchy causes us women on a daily basis: obsession with aesthetic appearance, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, low self-esteem and so on, we have the OBLIGATION to subdue men and re-educate them appropriately in respect for women and in the acceptance of our feminine authority.
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