Freedom Tax 56A.V.


All states are financed by taxes and fees paid by their citizens. We, women from The Universal Gynecocratic Republic, have agreed to approve a special tax, which is called “F.T.56A.V.” (Freedom Tax) today Friday, November 18, 56A.V.. It is a tax aimed for male citizens to get the freedom back.

Are you a male citizen from The Universal Gynecocratic Republic and you would like to regain your freedom?

It is possible that after a long time living in our matriarchal republic you feel that you are not comfortable in our country. You are a man, so you are stupid by nature, weak and arrogant. We do not want to have foolish and selfish men in our country holding them against their disgusting masculine will.

So the higher council of sisters has agreed to meet to discuss this problem and has agreed to study each case separately and consider the possibility of selling the property of the citizen which wishes to recover the freedom so that it can be free if that is its destiny.

But there is one single condition: As everyone knows the economy is ruled by women, it should be this way since men are not allowed to trade and to use money. So The Universal Gynecocratic Republic will only sell the slave property title to a girl, woman or group of women. Therefore the slave (male citizen) wanting to be free again must look for a girl or a woman (friend, workmate, neighbor, sister, daughter, mother and so on) to buy the freedom for it.

In case the male could not find any woman around to buy its freedom, it will be offered to any of our sisters, in case any of them could be interested to buy its slavery property. If two, or more, sisters are interested then an auction (private) will be held. The sister interested will pay to The Universal Gynecocratic Republic for the property title of the slave. Once she has the property of the man, the sister will decide whether or not to grant the freedom and under what kind of conditions.

The supreme council of sisters has approved the “F.T.56A.V.” today November 9, 56A.V. to authorize the sale of male citizens who do not wish to remain part of our matriarchal country. The property will be transferred to a woman, a girl or a group of females after paying the same fee the male citizen paid to become a citizen from The Universal Gynecocratic Republic, that is €20 in the present year 56A.V. This fee may increase over time and must be paid by the woman who will be the future owner of the citizen by PayPal to our e-mail adress:


You can download the official approval document for this tax a little further down. “F.T. 56A.V.” is the second official tax that will enable the empowerment and development of The Universal Gynecocratic Republic. The money from this tax collected will be used to develop our matriarchal society and to further strengthen our young girls in their education and female development.
To ensure a correct and adequate processing of the payment of this tax, we agree to establish the following donate button.

[do_widget id=paypal_donations-4]

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