Phenicia, the purple secret


As you all know, our flag has two colors: white and lilac, or purple. The white color symbolizes peace and union between women (or female sisterhood) among all the cultures of the world, that is, the universality of our project. The purple color symbolizes women, feminine power, the superiority of women over men. To understand the origin of the meaning of this color we must go back to the time that includes from the year 3,166 B.V. (before Venera), approximate time of the foundation of the Phoenician empire, until the year 2,500 B.V. (before Venera) year of the disappearance.


Year 2,700 B.V. (before Venera) a ship 8.00 meters long and 2.25 meters wide crosses the Mediterranean loaded with amphorae full of wine and fabrics of a beautiful color: lilac (or purple). It is, without a doubt, a phoenician ship, one more. Our phoenician sisters controlled the trade in wine and purple fabrics throughout the Mediterranean: Cyprus, Crete, the Aegean Islands, Sicily, Cyrene, Leptis, Carthage, Tanger, Gadir, the Balearic Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, and so on. All the sisters who inhabited the different mediterranean peoples admired and even adored the phoenician women, for their skill at navigation, for their intelligence, for their skills as merchants, for introducing the coin in the comerce, but above all for their purple fabrics, a color impossible to find. Of course powerful phoenician women kept the origin of the color a deep secret.

The phoenician women founded a prosperous society on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, south of the Anatolian peninsula and off the eastern shores of the island of Cyprus. In a privileged environment, which abounded with quality wood for shipbuilding, they developed such important aspects as: the alphabet, commerce, introducing currency, winemaking techniques, olive oil or artisan glassmaking techniques. But if something made phoenician sisters stand out, it was the production of fabrics dyed in a wonderful color at that time: the purple color.

Using different techniques our female ancestors were able to dye fabrics almost any color. All colors from certain plants, minerals or animal pigments could be obtained. All except one: the purple color. That is why when the phoenician women arrived at the mediterranean ports dressed in costumes of purple color, they aroused the admiration, and even the adoration, of the sisters who inhabited the cities where they disembarked. From Gadir (in Iberia) to Memphis (north of Egypt) phoenician women became famous for possessing the secret of the color purple. The phoenician sisters traded purple fabrics among matriarchal communities throughout the Mediterranean Sea, and women from everywhere paid anything to obtain purple fabrics. In this way the Phoenicians obtained jewelry, precious metals, copper, tin, manufactured products, food and especially slaves. A lot of women waited in the ports for the arrival of the ships of their phoenician sisters to give them the best slaves, the most docile, strong, faithful, obedient and submissive men in exchange for those divine purple fabrics.

A revolutionary product that phoenician women also introduced was wine. Although they were not the original discoverers, wine has been known since 8,000 B.V., the Phoenician sisters were the ones in charge of introducing winemaking techniques throughout the Mediterranean. As you know, the sacred drink for us women, both now and then, is cider that comes from fermented apple juice. But wine was used by our ancestors women as a technique of domination over wild patriarchal peoples. In fact men, having an intelligence clearly inferior to ours, were incapable of self-control and often fell into the habit of drinking wine without any limits. This fact made easier the conquest and subjugation of some patriarchal societies which at that time still dared to challenge female power. With cunning and tenacity, our women ancestors managed to introduce large amounts of wine among the male armies that, in many cases, were avidly consumed by both the troops and the officers. Thus, when the female armies attacked, they hardly encountered any resistance, which significantly reduced the number of casualties on both sides and made it possible to capture the male soldiers and subsequently conquer those backward and rebellious patriarchal societies. In addition to defeating enemy patriarchal armies, our ancestors used wine to subdue male slaves and make them work without using the whip. The women who knew how to use wine with their slaves achieved more wealth and economic prosperity than the sisters who did not know how to do it and this is the origin of the fact that in our country the bunch of grapes is identified with economic prosperity.

Trade in both purple clothes and winemaking techniques made Phenicia the most prosperous and developed society of the time. By obtaining strong, faithful and obedient slave men who lived absolutely dedicated to their mistresses and owner ladies, the phoenician women did not need to create any female army to attack patriarchal societies in order to obtain slaves. Therefore, the resources that other matriarchal societies dedicated to maintaining their corresponding female armies, the phoenician females used to develop science, art and technology. In this way the phoenicians women developed the alphabet, which our Greek ancestors would later adopt. In the capital of Phoenicia (Byblos first -from(3166 BV (before Venera) to 2966 BV (before Venera)- and Tire later -from 2966 BV (before Venera) to 2505 BV (before Venera)-) They opened educational centers where girls studied and developed their feminine potential to become wise, powerful and influential women. Rich and influential ladies from all over the Mediterranean sent their teenage daughters to study in Tire to give them better chances of progress in their future adult lives. Many of these girls longed to discover the secret of the color purple, but the Phoenician women kept the secret so jealously that none of them succeeded. The origin and elaboration of the purple color has been kept secret for millennia despite the fact that some Phoenician and foreign girls fell in love and formed stable romantic relationships. In these cases, the foreign girls almost always ended up establishing their residence in Phoenicia with their beloved, or their two beloveds, since love trios were common among Phoenician women. These foreign girls ended up discovering the secret of the purple color but, according to the chronicles, no foreigner established in Phenicia ever revealed the desired secret of purple to their mothers or sisters.

The Phoenicians worshiped the goddess Astarte (𐤀𐤔𐤕𐤓𐤕 [ʔštrt]) who has her Mesopotamian origin in the goddess Inanna (or Ishtar). This goddess represented the most common aspects of feminine power: the cult of mother nature, life and fertility, as well as the exaltation of love and carnal pleasures. Astarte received sexual cults from her devotees. Women often had sex with each other at the feet of iconic figures who represented Astarte, just as a way to worship it. Lesbian sex, as a form of sacred ritual, was a very common practice from the moment that we, women, associate sexual pleasure with the divine, because when we enjoy it we feel how our female soul approaches the divinity, and even it (our soul) can communicate with the goddesses while our female body enjoys sexual pleasure.

The crisis came to Phenicia, over the years, when there were no longer male groups to enslave and male slaves were produced on farms, the sisters of the entire Mediterranean no longer needed to invest effort in militarily subduing patriarchal groups and they could do like the Phoenician: develop culture and science. Societies like the Greek or Egyptian developed more and became more attractive and advanced, even, than the Phoenician. Despite the disappearance of a society as splendid as the Phoenician, the secret of the purple color lasted to this day.

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Attention: Our archaeologist sisters have recently discovered the best kept secret of antiquity: the production of the purple color by phoenician women.

Attention: our archaeologist sisters have found the secret of the production of the color purple. In some excavations in the area where the city of Tire was located, two mosaics have been found. One of them, in an excellent state of conservation, represents a medium-sized carnivorous sea snail, the marine gastropod Bolinus brandaris, a species of the Muricinae subfamily.

  The other mosaic was found to be in a worse state of conservation and is therefore reproduced here in the form of a painting. It is neither more nor less than a purple cloth factory. The illustration shows work in a purple-dyed factory by the sea. The work was extremely hard and very unpleasant due to the fetid odor that arose during the entire process. A man moves the molluscs to the workshop where thousands of them were crushed into a pasty mass that was applied to the fabrics after being cooked and exposed to heat for days. The first step in this process was to stockpile large quantities of these molluscs. As both species are carnivorous, the most effective method of catching many was to dip mesh baskets filled with shells and fish pieces as bait. Once collected, the murex-type snails were kept alive in large containers or artificial ponds filled with seawater until a sufficient quantity had been collected. The next step was to extract the mucous gland which contains the chemical components needed to produce the dye. Large specimens typically had these glands removed with a special iron or bronze implement, while smaller specimens had the body, gland, and shell pounded into a pasty mass. When enough glands had been collected, they were placed in a large tin vat containing salt water and then heated for ten days. During this time, the dye gradually seeped out, giving rise to a colorless compound that, due to a complex photochemical reaction, produced a purple dye when it was again exposed to air and sunlight. Exposure of this liquid to light, coupled with prolonged use of heat, caused a foul odor for which this industry became notorious in ancient times.

  In the representative illustration of the mosaic we can see how two girls visit the factory, surely their property, where dozens of male slaves work who have previously had their tongues cut out so that they cannot reveal the secrets of making such a precious product dye. When the girls appear, some men look at them with some fear, others with great respect and some others smiling nervously, all of them are always submissive and complacent with their owners despite enduring extremely harsh and demanding working conditions. It is not by chance that they are considered the best slaves in the mediterranean area. These men endure long hours of work transporting shellfish, crushing and pressing the shells and boiling the stinking paste obtained, which has previously been fermented. The nauseating smell fills their nostrils without being able to remedy it, but they, faithful to the service of their owners, the phoenician women and girls, never complain and always respond with a smile in the presence of the powerful and noble ladies.

  We are proud of our sister archaeologists for their work and dedication that have made such an important discovery possible. After weeks of excavating and analyzing ancient objects, they have been able to discover one of the best kept secrets of ancient times: the origin and manufacture of the purple color. This has been possible, in part, thanks to your financial help.

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